This tutorial will show you how to network multiple wired and wireless computers running Windows 7. It will also show you how to add shared file folders and network printers that other users can access over your network.
Over the years, I have enjoyed playing with Asterisk. I have found Asterisk to be extremely powerful and fun to play with. There are several books and many scattered how to articles out there, but most are outdated and the information required to build Asterisk from beginning to end can be a bit daunting. I wanted to combine all the steps into a single article and share my experience with everyone. If I have left out any steps please let me know.
The presence of the internet is wide spread as people are becoming aware of the latest technologies coming up in the market; this gives rise to a cut-throat-competition amongst the business houses to remain on the top position. The location of the company is irrelevant but, what matters is how the company does the business through on-line marketing. Through the medium of Ecommerce website the business organizations can do the business globally and expand their horizons worldwide. It is...
Ecommerce is becoming essential for every sector may it be teaching profession, may it be business companies, may it be sole proprietors or say entrepreneurs. Ecommerce is an electronic mode of doing transactions. Basic requirement of such strategy is to provide Ecommerce solution to customers through the on-line marketing.The business owners can train their employees by providing them technical assistance for using the available resources. This strategy makes the employees self-sufficient to...
Ecommerce is the most powerful tool for the business owners to develop their business through on-line marketing. Ecommerce can be viewed from prospective point of view for developing the business and creating a brand name for them. The transactions are done on-line so, products and services can be utilized from any part of the world through on-line marketing. This saves the company's time and they can perform better to keep a pace with the competitive market.Ecommerce has widened the...
Advances in technology continue to make our lives easier and more convenient. If you want to send fax, for instance, you no longer need to own a fax machine. You can easily and quickly send fax directly from your computer in one of several methods, including via an Internet fax service provider or using Windows built-in Fax and Scan tools. Read on how to use an Internet fax service, one of the faster faxing methods, to send fax messages from your PC.
The purpose is to highlight the most important topics related to setting up ESX/ESXi monitoring as well as applications hosted within managed virtual machines (a MySQL database is used in this tutorial).
Have you ever typed in URL in your browser and received a message 'WEBSITE BLOCKED' then this is the article for you.You don't need to go through many complicated steps like changing system settings to gain access to these sites ,you just need to download this simple tool.
Schools, offices and universities often tend to use a software like DansGuardian to prevent people from accessing certain websites - websites like Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, and so on. However, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to access a blocked website... it's possible! As a matter of fact, it's quite easy.
So, you've got a MacBook, an iPhone 4, an iPad 2... how do you keep track of everything? With Apple's new cloud computing service iCloud. iCloud allows you to store and share files and information between all of your iOS devices.
iCloud is a very convenient service that allows you to share windows between two computers. To learn how to use iCloud, watch this video. With iCloud on your PC you can share information simply and efficiently between multiple workstations, or friends.
This video explains the different kinds of zones you will come across in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 DNS. The video has practical step by step instructions to managing these zones, as well as understanding their different functions and uses, and covers replication.
Get to know Microsoft Windows Server 2008 a little better by spending some quality time with this video. Learn about the start of authority tab in DNS, which includes a number of features, including serial numbers, time to live, responsible person, retry interval and others.
If you ever use NS lookup in Microsoft Windows Server 2008, you have to permit the machine running it to accept zone transfers. To do so, follow the instructions in this video. This video will show you how to use the name servers tab in DNS to allow machines to receive DNS lookups.
This video explains how to modify your DNS server to perform WINS lookups. Using Microsoft Windows Server 2008, you can perform WINS lookups across several networks which can resolve to a common resource. While Server 2008 cannot act as a WINS server, Server 2003 can.
You may need to perform routine maintenance on your DNS server from time to time by clearing the cache. Servers keep records of the lookups they have performed, and when they become resolved records they can be cleared. Follow the instructions of this how to video to clear the DNS cache in Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
You can create many types of domain name service records in Microsoft Windows Server 2008. Glue records, CNAME records, mail exchanger and many other types of records are possible. Follow the instructions in this video to learn how to manually create DNS records.
A reverse lookup zone will allow you to translate IP addresses to fully qualified domain names (FQDN). This can be a tremendous help against phishing in large organization. Keep your network secure by creating a reverse lookup zone in Windows Server 2003 or 2008.
Want to be able to print wirelessly without having to buy a pricey network printer? Now you can! All you need to do is follow these simple, quick, steps.
In terms of internet, faster = better. We all want faster internet, but how exactly do you get a fast wireless connection? Believe it or not, the answer is quite simple.
Birthday ecard is a traditional method of celebrating birthday. They are always the symbol of love and treasure of memory. Birthdays are never complete until you've given the one a warm hug or say “happy birthday” to him or her. Birthday ecards are specially designed to send birthday blessings, they are pretty and easy to make. So action at once, make a birthday ecard for the one who are await for his or her birthday.
A custom application directory partition is a method of dividing your DNS servers for replication, and allows replication to occur between domain controllers. This video shows you the process of setting up your own using Windows Server 2008, though it will also work for the 2003 version as well.
So you know how to use a proxy server, but do you know how to set up a proxy chain? Proxy chains can be used to hide your tracks on the web. This video shows you how to use CGI and Tor to set up your own proxy chain.
Long story short, there is literally no way to have no fingerprint on the internet because you do not have control once you leave the internal network and do not have any idea as to what is going on once you leave the internal network, such as logging and sniffing and such. This is the reason for the title of this article. “Here be Dragons” was a medieval practice of putting that text in blank areas of maps that were not explored. It’s my opinion this should be used in the cloud (internet) as...
This video will teach you how to hack a WEP wifi network on a Mac. You'll need to follow the link, grab the prog and follow the steps. It's not too hard, so give it a try. Remember, stealing is illegal!
Does your network begin to crawl right around the time your sinister-looking next-door neighbors get home from work? Do you harbor suspicions that one or more of them may be stealing your Wi-Fi? It's easy to find out. And equally easy to give freeloaders the boot. In the guide below, we'll show you how to secure your wireless connection in three easy steps.
In this tutorial, we learn how to upgrade the firmware on a Linksys router. First, you will need to know what you already have, go to on your browser to find this. Next, search for the name of your router that you got from the site. From here, click on the downloads on the page. Then, you will pick the model number for it. Download this on your computer and it will run through the download process. When done, go back to the router website to make sure it was upgraded and then you're...
In this tutorial, we learn how to clear the ARP cache. First, go the command prompt on your computer and type in "C:/>netsh interface ip delete arpcache Ok". Press 'enter' on your keyboard and then it should be cleared out. If you want to view your ARP cache, type in the command "C:/>arp -a". If this fails, then you will need to use Microsoft Windows to repair the network connection. If this doesn't work, talk to the person that manages your connection. If successful, this will help make your...
In this video tutorial, we learn how about the basics of setting up a simple wired network. It's easy. So easy, in fact, that this home-computing how-to from the folks at CNET can present a complete overview of the process in just over two minutes. For more information, including a complete demonstration detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.
In this clip, you'll learn how to breathe new life into an old router from its factory-default firmware to a custom third-party firmware like Tomato. For a complete demonstration of the process and detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this handy home-computing how-to from the folks at CNET.
In this tutorial, you'll learn about the cables required for setting up a small home or office network. Fortunately, cable selection is an easy process and this video presents a complete guide. For more information, including a full demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful home-computing how-to.
In this clip, you'll learn methods for troubleshooting and resolving the most commonly encountered WiFi wireless network problems. It's an easy process and this video presents a complete guide. For more information, including a full demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful home-computing how-to.
In this tutorial, you'll learn a few standard methods for resolving less common and more complicated wireless network problems. It's an easy process and this video presents a complete guide. For more information, including a full demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful home-computing how-to.
In this clip, you'll learn a trick for upcycling your old hard drives into a RAID server. It's an easy process and this video presents a complete guide. For more information, including a full demonstration and detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this helpful home-computing how-to.