This video tutorial is in the Computers & Programming category where you will learn how to secure your wireless internet connection. If you don't secure your wireless internet connection you are allow ...
Nowdays, with the spread of mobile reading devices such as iPad, iPhone,iPod. Increasing people choose to read on it which is more convenient for your reading on bus and subway. while, you have to dow ...
In this tutorial, Brian teaches us how to make your wireless network secure. First, go to the start menu, then go to run and type in "cmd", then type in "iconfig /all". Now a new window will pop up an ...
In order to set up a secure wireless router, you will need to use the security that is available with your wireless routing. You will need to change the default ID names and password on your computer ...
In this video, we learn how to reset your browser history in Mozilla Firefox. First, open up Firefox, then go to the options menu. When you're on here, go to the privacy tab and then click on the opti ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to set up and secure a wireless router. First, take your cable and plug it into your modem from your computer. After this, plug in an Ethernet cable into your modem to a ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to set up an HP wireless printer. First, click "setup" on the printer, then go to "network", then "wireless setup wizard". The printer will now go through the setup proc ...
In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you will learn how to easily open your NAT on a ZyXel router. There are three steps involved in doing this. Open your web browser and type in the router ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to fix error code 86420 and change your NAT type to open. First, go to the website to change the settings for your Linksys router. Next, go to the applications tab that ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to fix security mode for nds Wi-Fi. First, open the command prompt in Windows. Next, type in "ipconfig/all" in the black window that appears. After this, copy your defau ...